Nicolas Mogollon B




Nicolas MB


ProSurge JA

An electrical surge protector manufacturer located in Kingston, Jamaica.

ProSurge JA

An electrical surge protector manufacturer from Kingston, Jamaica.


I've develop the logo, identity and a future website

I've develop the logo, identity and a future website


Brand Designer | Web Design

Brand Designer | Web Design



Prosurge JA has been in the Jamaican market for more than 30 years and has two flagship products, working with a company that has a long history makes us consider more variables when making a design proposal, the perception of people towards the product and its reputation are key during the design process of the company's identity.

A product with heritage

To intervene ProSurge JA we decided to create a logo and preserver the packaging, doing adjustments in typography and standardize a color palette.

Photo of the existing ProSurge Packages

Created with love, passion and design ♥

2024 Nicolas Mogollon Barbosa

Created with love, passion and design ♥

2024 Nicolas Mogollon Barbosa